How accurate are PSA (including 4K analysis) exams?
The prostate digital rectal exam (DRE) with the finger is 2x more sensitive for detecting aggressive cancer than the PSA which is 2-3% accurate according to the Journal of Urology (2004).
What is the accuracy of MRI?
MRI, the current diagnostic standard, is 70-85% accurate. When there is infection (prostatitis) or previous treatments/biopsies, the accuracy approaches 60%.
How accurate is the 6 core biopsy?
15-25% is the rate using a standard 11mm needle. Tumors in the mid or distant portion of the gland may be missed completely. 98 core biopsies have a 95% accuracy.
Can a negative sonogram test spare men from biopsies?
At university medical centers worldwide, biopsy may be deferred if the DRE, sonogram/ultrasound (US) and MRI find no focal tumor. Doppler US increases the accuracy to 85-95%.
How is US used for minimally invasive treating of focal cancers?
Ultrasound guidance for ablative treatments are FDA approved: including HIFU, LASER and CRYOABLATION. 3D Doppler histogram analysis predicts tumor aggression and metastatic potential and correlates well with Gleason score biopsies.
Are there better ways to biopsy?
New computer fusion techniques of MRI and US allow better needle placement for biopsy and also image guidance for the newer minimally invasive thermal treatments.
What if my PSA rises after treatment?
False PSA rises occur following radiation treatments. 3D Doppler US can rule out local recurrences since no blood flow means no tumor activity. Unfortunately, there is a 15-30% treatment failure rate depending on the tumor aggression, stage found and treatment modality.
BARD CANCER DIAGNOSTICS is founded on the commitment to explore and implement the latest diagnostic technologies as a means of building the proper treatment strategy of many types of cancers. We also specialize in the PREVENTION solutions for our patients who strive to maintain a health-conscious lifestyle as well as those who are at increased risk of certain diseases by confirming that their efforts to prevent disease are working.
121 E. 60th St. Suite #6A New York, NY 10022